Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Essay Writing Guide

Essay Writing - 5 Paragraph Persuasive Essay

Introduction: Paragraph 1
1st sentence: Attention grabbing sentence - write a controversial, statistic, ask a question, an image or a startling fact.
2nd sentence: Thesis Statement - a statement about what you believe. Make it strong.
3rd sentence: Briefly list your 3 supporting arguments - you will explain them in the body paragraphs
4th sentence: A transition sentence to carry the reader to the next paragraph.
Paragraph 2: Explains argument #1
1st sentence: topic sentence explaining your 1st argument
2nd sentence: prove your argument with a fact, statistic, percent, quote, research study
3rd sentence: explain how your proof strengthens your argument
4th sentence: transition statement leading to the next argument

Paragraph 3: Explains argument #2
1st sentence: topic sentence explaining your 2nd argument
2nd sentence: prove your argument with a fact, statistic, percent, quote, research study
3rd sentence: explain how your proof strengthens your argument
4th sentence: transition statement leading to the next argument

Paragraph 4: Explains argument #3
1st sentence: topic sentence explaining your 3rd argument
2nd sentence: prove your argument with a fact, statistic, percent, quote, research study
3rd sentence: explain how your proof strengthens your argument
4th sentence: transition statement leading to the next argument
Paragraph 5: Conclusion
1st sentence: Summarize your argument but use different words from the introduction
2nd sentence: restate your thesis statement

3rd sentence: strong statement convincing the reader of your side of the argument

Friday, May 17, 2019

Silent Film Night success!

Way to go grade 7! It was a beautiful night and you showed your talent! Thank you for coming to the Silent Film Night. Thank you to grade 7 Leadership class as well for making our night even more special.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Essay and Reading Response

We're starting an essay on our Silent Film topics. The big question is:

How did the political, demographic, economic and social changes occurring in Canada since Confederation present challenges and opportunities for individuals and communities?

We started brainstorming ideas about the political, demographic, economic and social changes. Use your research to find evidence to support your ideas. You must have facts, statistics and sources.

Next, organize your ideas with a graphic organizer before starting to write your essay.

Reading response #5: we will start this on Monday.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Silent Film Festival May 15 at 7pm

Silent Film Festival is on May 15 at 7pm. Come see the grade 7 films. Bring your family, all are welcome. Refreshments will be sold to raise money for a new water fountain.

Last Day is Thursday!!

Hello WPS families,  MyCBE-accessing-online-report-card (1).pdf  We wanted to share a couple of key dates: June 25: Last day of clas...