Thursday, February 27, 2020

Confederation Questions

Today the class with begin an important research assignment. Look in the Resource tab for Confederation Questions. Follow the directions carefully. Please use the textbook for your first source and then choose a second source. It may be an online source. Choose wisely and remember the Canadian Encyclopedia is Ms. Brown's preferred source.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Reading Response #4

Please have your book finished by March 6. We will be writing our responses the week of March 9-13. RR4 will be due March 13. Visuals will be due the 18th.

Reading on the Go

The Calgary Public Library has a great digital library for teenagers.
Google Calgary Public Library, click on Digital Library, click on A-Z Resources.
Scroll down to TeenBookCloud.

They have a wide variety of graphic novels, fiction and non-fiction, even AP English books.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Questions for the War of 1812

Please answer all 5 questions in 3-5 sentences. You may look at the novel to find the answers.

1. If you were in one of the character's places in the novel, would you choose the same actions or different ones?

2. What character can you relate the most to and why?

3. What did the War of 1812 accomplish? Who won and who lost?

4. What did Laura Secord really do? Does Laura Secord chocolates exist?

5. How did one character's actions impact another?

Monday, February 3, 2020

Last Day is Thursday!!

Hello WPS families,  MyCBE-accessing-online-report-card (1).pdf  We wanted to share a couple of key dates: June 25: Last day of clas...