Monday, September 2, 2019

Welcome to Grade 7 Humanities


A huge welcome to our new Willow Park families and hello again to those returning to us this year. My name is Ainslie Brown and I am very pleased to teach your child this year. I teach Grade 7 Humanities to 7-1 and 7-4. I share 7-2 with Mrs Knight.  

Thank you very much for sending your child in with a binder, lined paper, duo-tangs,  pencils, pens, pencil crayons, markers, 2 fine sharpies and a box of Kleenex to share with the class for the upcoming cold season.  

Grade 7 is a huge transition year. Your child will have multiple teachers and will travel to different classes throughout the day. They will have to use a locker and become responsible for bringing their school supplies to classes. Grade 7s are also allowed to leave school at lunch. This brings further responsibility of time, money, behaviour and food choices. It's a big year!

I recommend reading for 20-30 minutes per evening. Daily reading is critical to increasing comprehension, speed and the understanding of how our language is constructed.

All deadlines are posted on the board as reminders. I will also post deadlines here as well. Students will be given at least a week notice of all deadlines.

Humanities Curriculum:
At Willow Park, all courses are taught through an Arts-Centred Learning approach.  Humanities is no exception. English Language Arts is combined with the Social Studies curriculum to provide a rich understanding of topics and skills.  Students will use concept based learning and the Arts to develop their understanding. This year's learning question is: How do actions impact outcomes? 

The aim of English Language Arts is to enable each student to understand and appreciate the English language. To read, write and speak confidently and competently. I have added the Grade 7 Book List to my blogger. Students are expected to read a minimum of 3 books from the list this year. The books are available in the school library, public library, bookstores and in my classroom. Students are encouraged to read a variety of types of books and may choose books not on the list.

In Social Studies, students will explore the origins, histories and movements of people who have forged the foundation of Canadian Confederation. Students will examine how political, economic, social and demographic changes have shaped Canadian history and Canada today.

I look forward to meeting you at Meet the Teacher conferences September 19 and 20. Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Ainslie Brown

Last Day is Thursday!!

Hello WPS families,  MyCBE-accessing-online-report-card (1).pdf  We wanted to share a couple of key dates: June 25: Last day of clas...