Monday, March 30, 2020

I'll let you know Tuesday

I'm hoping all students and families are well and safe.

I have graded Reading Response 4. It must be shared with me correctly for me to view it. Many did not title their work properly, which means it is marked as incomplete. Please precisely title your doc and share it again.


Social Studies research for Silent Films:
Unfortunately my plans for Silent Film have been derailed. I have thought about how to proceed and have decided I would like all of you to finish the research for your assigned topic. It's all online research now, so use Canadian Encyclopedia online and google your questions. Read, think and explain your answers in detail. Do not copy and paste, please oh please, never copy and paste. You don't learn when you don't think.
Why should you finish? The lesson learned is that Canadians face hardship and adversity throughout history and they overcame extreme suffering. We are living in a tough time right now and we will overcome it.
Your research gives you knowledge of Canadian history. The grade 7 curriculum requires you to learn it.
Don't worry I am planning a variety of fun choices for a film substitute and I'll be willing to take your ideas!

Last Day is Thursday!!

Hello WPS families,  MyCBE-accessing-online-report-card (1).pdf  We wanted to share a couple of key dates: June 25: Last day of clas...