Friday, April 10, 2020

Silent Film Project Extension; New Due Date Friday, April 17

I would prefer extending the due date and having better quality projects. A project that you are proud of is the goal. Do your best and enjoy your creative side.

Expectations: New Due Date Friday, April 17

Option 1: A written journal entry from the point of view of view of someone living during your event. (3-5 entries, 1 entry = 1 long paragraph or 3 short paragraphs, 12 facts from your research )

Option 2: A comic that describes your event and includes main characters that contributed to your event. (Like your 7 Years' War comic, 12 facts from your research, 6-12 boxes and neatly colored)

Option 3: A video that describes your event and includes main characters that contributed to your event. Your video can include yourself and/or your family as actors, or lego/drawing/figurines that can act out your scenes. (2 minutes, 12 facts from your research must be present in your video)

Share your project in Google Drive: 

Last Day is Thursday!!

Hello WPS families,  MyCBE-accessing-online-report-card (1).pdf  We wanted to share a couple of key dates: June 25: Last day of clas...