Monday, May 11, 2020

Learning Plan: May 11-15

There will be 4 video lessons this week with 4 quizzes. Posted: 2 Monday, 1 Tuesday and 1 Thursday.

3 Assignments for this week:

1. Watch the videos and take the quizzes, in Google Classroom. Think about what you will include in your video.

2. Write 1 or more Covid Journal entries, in  Google Classroom.

3. Read a book for RR5.

Video Lesson #1
Watch the video. Really listen to what Riley says.

Go to Google Classroom and take the quiz.

*If you are confused read the video assignment from last week.

Video Lesson #2 and Quiz are on Google Classroom.

Video Lesson #3. Go to Google Classroom for the Quiz. 

Last Day is Thursday!!

Hello WPS families,  MyCBE-accessing-online-report-card (1).pdf  We wanted to share a couple of key dates: June 25: Last day of clas...