Hello everyone! I hope you were able to enjoy your weekend and have some fun with
your family. Thank you to all of you who have sent me their work and shared their
Silent Film research.
your family. Thank you to all of you who have sent me their work and shared their
Silent Film research.
Social Studies: Silent Film Project
I am hoping you enjoy creating your project this week. I have extended the deadline to
Friday, April 17. Please ensure that you are proud of your work and do your best. If you
finished you might use this extra time to add more facts and edit your work.
Friday, April 17. Please ensure that you are proud of your work and do your best. If you
finished you might use this extra time to add more facts and edit your work.
Language Arts:
Tuesday: Imagine you are a film or t.v. critic. Write a reflection on a movie or t.v. episode
or series you’ve enjoyed watching. Explain in a paragraph (or 2) why you enjoyed it, who
you would recommend it to and briefly what it is about. You can include judgements on
character decisions, special effects and plot development, if you like.
or series you’ve enjoyed watching. Explain in a paragraph (or 2) why you enjoyed it, who
you would recommend it to and briefly what it is about. You can include judgements on
character decisions, special effects and plot development, if you like.
Wednesday: New journaling assignment will be posted.
Extras for students who are complete their Silent Film Projects and Reading
-Choose a Book for your Reading Response #5
-Kahoot in Google Classroom
-Reading Comprehension in Google Classroom
-Take a look at next week’s assignment in Google Classroom
(Journaling Through Covid-19)
(Journaling Through Covid-19)