Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Journaling Through Covid-19

This assignment is also posted on Google Classroom.

Right now you are living in a historical event. One day you will tell your children about it, maybe even your
grandchildren. They will read about it in a textbook. Imagine if you actually had a journal of your experience
during the Covid-19 pandemic that you could give to them. What insights could a journal give them that a
textbook can’t?

Journaling is writing down your experiences, thoughts and feelings. Journaling can help you remind yourself
of the good things present in your life. Remembering what’s deeply important to you and what you’re grateful
for, is calming and reassuring. Journaling is proven to reduce anxious feelings. 

Assignment: Start a journal of your experience. This can be done daily or weekly. You can write in a notebook by hand or type it on a Google Doc: 7-1-Journal-Name or 7-4-Journal-Name

Expectations: 1. Practice proper writing and editing skills. 
                       2. Write 1-3 paragraphs per entry. 
                       3. Choose 1 question or 1 prompt from the list below to help you write your                             

Uncomfortable Feelings
How do you spend your day? 
How are you being creative?
How are you feeling?
What do you do when you’re
What are the good things about
staying home?
What activities are you enjoying?
Why are we staying at home?
What is your new learning space
I smiled when …
I really appreciate ...
I felt great when …
I am thankful for …
I recently learned to ...
I’ve noticed lately that I’m really
good at …
My dog/cat/friend made me
happy when …
I love …
My new favourite thing is ...
It is okay to express all of your
feelings but it is helpful to limit
writing about your negative
feelings. Avoid dwelling on what
you can’t change and focus on
the good things you are

Last Day is Thursday!!

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