Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 27 - May 1 Learning Plan

You have 2 assignments due on Friday: journaling and infographic. If you need specific instructions on how to do these assignments see last week's blog.

Journaling through Covid-19: I would like you to turn your Journaling assignment in through Google Classroom. Try. I made each of you a doc there. 7-2 did a great job turning in their work on Google Classroom!
Remember to: proof read your work! That's why you did Grammar Graveyard!! Your baby "i"s have come back to life -EEK! I'm seeing them everywhere. Not to mention, nasty run on sentences and failure to capitalize proper nouns. OUCH!
Expectations: 1. Practice proper writing and editing skills. 
                       2. Write 1-3 paragraphs per entry. 2 entries minimum.
                       3. Choose 1 question or 1 prompt from the list below to help you write your                             

Infographic: Your infographic should have pictures and text.  8 facts minimum  must be represented in your infographic. It should be colorful, neat, factually accurate and free of spelling errors. Most importantly, it should be interesting to look at. Entice your views to look at your work. 

Good luck! If you need help ask during Tuesday or Thursday's Google Meet. Stop by and say "hi" even if you don't need help.

Last Day is Thursday!!

Hello WPS families,  MyCBE-accessing-online-report-card (1).pdf  We wanted to share a couple of key dates: June 25: Last day of clas...