Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 27 - May 1 Learning Plan

You have 2 assignments due on Friday: journaling and infographic. If you need specific instructions on how to do these assignments see last week's blog.

Journaling through Covid-19: I would like you to turn your Journaling assignment in through Google Classroom. Try. I made each of you a doc there. 7-2 did a great job turning in their work on Google Classroom!
Remember to: proof read your work! That's why you did Grammar Graveyard!! Your baby "i"s have come back to life -EEK! I'm seeing them everywhere. Not to mention, nasty run on sentences and failure to capitalize proper nouns. OUCH!
Expectations: 1. Practice proper writing and editing skills. 
                       2. Write 1-3 paragraphs per entry. 2 entries minimum.
                       3. Choose 1 question or 1 prompt from the list below to help you write your                             

Infographic: Your infographic should have pictures and text.  8 facts minimum  must be represented in your infographic. It should be colorful, neat, factually accurate and free of spelling errors. Most importantly, it should be interesting to look at. Entice your views to look at your work. 

Good luck! If you need help ask during Tuesday or Thursday's Google Meet. Stop by and say "hi" even if you don't need help.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Super Fun Journal Twist

Journaling Twist: (Optional Twist)
A self-portrait entry! What if you drew your your face for an entry or multiple entries? Would that be fun? What emotions would your face express?
Hmmm, sounds like fun or torture? If it's torture, you can always keep writing.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Ask on Flex Time today! Use nickname WP7FlexTime on Google Meet.

Don't forget to join Google Classroom and do your assignments for Math, Science and Humanities

Monday, April 20, 2020

April 20-24 Learning Plan

This week there are 2 assignments: Journaling and an Infographic. Both are due in 2 weeks. You have lots of time to complete them. Use my plan below to help guide your progress. 

Social Studies Big PlanDue May 1
You have 2 weeks to create an infographic for a Silent Film topic you are interested in but didn't get a chance to research. This time create a fun infographic to show the facts of the topic. Google infographics and see how they are a mix of pictures and words.

All topics can be found in the following folder:

Choose one topic and, using the topic sheet provided, create an infographic that shows the important information and dates. If you want to research more, you may do so! An infographic is a visual way of organizing and showing information. It has minimal text and is focused on the visual. You may create this infographic on paper or digitally (GoogleDraw, Google Docs, Sketchpad, etc.). Please submit your assignment on Google Classroom.

Daily Plan for this Week:
Monday:  Social Studies: read the assignment. Think about it. If you are not sure what to do read it again, slowly and carefully.
Click on the google link. Look at the topics. Read about 1/2 of the topic information pages.
* L.A. journal assignment or reading a book.

Tuesday: Social Studies: Read about 1/2 of the topic information pages.
*L.A. journal assignment or reading a book.

Wednesday: Social Studies: Choose 1 topic. Google infographics. Look at the images. Do you notice that the best ones have a lot of colorful pictures and are interesting to read? Do you see facts and visuals? What one do you like best? Why? Pick out 8-10 facts you'd like to use from the topic page.
*L.A. journal assignment or reading a book.

Thursday: Social Studies: Start planning your infographic. Choose 8-10 facts you'd like to use from the topic page. You can research more if you like. Start your rough copy. Use pictures and text. More important facts should. have bigger pictures.
L.A. journal assignment or reading a book.

Friday: L.A. journal assignment or reading a book. Finish your rough copy infographic.

Journaling Assignment: Due May 1
Right now you are living in a historical event. One day you will tell your children about it, maybe even your
grandchildren. They will read about it in a textbook. Imagine if you actually had a journal of your experience
during the Covid-19 pandemic that you could give to them. What insights could a journal give them that a
textbook can’t?

Journaling is writing down your experiences, thoughts and feelings. Journaling can help you remind yourself
of the good things present in your life. Remembering what’s deeply important to you and what you’re grateful
for, is calming and reassuring. Journaling is proven to reduce anxious feelings. 

Assignment: Start a journal of your experience. This can be done daily or weekly. You can write in a notebook by hand or type it on a Google Doc: 7-1-Journal-Name or 7-4-Journal-Name

Expectations: 1. Practice proper writing and editing skills. 
                       2. Write 1-3 paragraphs per entry. 
                       3. Choose 1 question or 1 prompt from the list below to help you write your                             

Uncomfortable Feelings
How do you spend your day? 
How are you being creative?
How are you feeling?
What do you do when you’re
What are the good things about
staying home?
What activities are you enjoying?
Why are we staying at home?
What is your new learning space
I smiled when …
I really appreciate ...
I felt great when …
I am thankful for …
I recently learned to ...
I’ve noticed lately that I’m really
good at …
My dog/cat/friend made me
happy when …
I love …
My new favourite thing is ...
It is okay to express all of your
feelings but it is helpful to limit
writing about your negative
feelings. Avoid dwelling on what
you can’t change and focus on
the good things you are

Friday, April 17, 2020

New Google Meet Format: Starting Monday

Attention Students & Parents: Re: New Google Meet Format:

Flex Time with Questions and Answers

Grade 7 Flex Time will be available for each of you from 11-12pm from Monday-Thursday, if you choose. This is an opportunity for you to meet with your teachers to ask questions about your assignments. Your teachers will be available during these times for you to check in, ask questions  or even see your classmates. 

Flex Time: 11am - 12pm
* Teachers are available for drop-in support during these times.
* Students can ask questions and say hello. 

FLEX-TIME - Q&A with teachers 11-12pm
Google Meeting Code: WP7FlexTime

Mr. Meadows 
Ms. A
Ms. Owen 
Ms. Larsen
Ms. Brown
Ms. Ingram
Ms. Romanchuk
Ms Larsen
Mr. Meadows
Ms. A
Ms. Romanchuk
Ms. Larsen
Ms. Brown
Ms. Ingram
Ms. Larsen
Ms. Owen

Journaling Assignment

1. Read the directions carefully.
2. Slow down your reading process to read all parts of the assignment. 
3. Watch and listen to my video.
4. Journaling does help reduce anxious feelings and allows you a little control over one part of your life. Don't believe it, check out the research. You'll be surprised!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

I'm so RAD!

Ms. Owen reminds 7-1 that their "I'm so RAD" Health projects were due before Spring Break. She wants you to email her about your projects. She will accept your project whether it is finished or not, just send her your work.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

7-1 Meeting at 11am

Please check your school gmail for the nickname to use.

Journaling Through Covid-19

This assignment is also posted on Google Classroom.

Right now you are living in a historical event. One day you will tell your children about it, maybe even your
grandchildren. They will read about it in a textbook. Imagine if you actually had a journal of your experience
during the Covid-19 pandemic that you could give to them. What insights could a journal give them that a
textbook can’t?

Journaling is writing down your experiences, thoughts and feelings. Journaling can help you remind yourself
of the good things present in your life. Remembering what’s deeply important to you and what you’re grateful
for, is calming and reassuring. Journaling is proven to reduce anxious feelings. 

Assignment: Start a journal of your experience. This can be done daily or weekly. You can write in a notebook by hand or type it on a Google Doc: 7-1-Journal-Name or 7-4-Journal-Name

Expectations: 1. Practice proper writing and editing skills. 
                       2. Write 1-3 paragraphs per entry. 
                       3. Choose 1 question or 1 prompt from the list below to help you write your                             

Uncomfortable Feelings
How do you spend your day? 
How are you being creative?
How are you feeling?
What do you do when you’re
What are the good things about
staying home?
What activities are you enjoying?
Why are we staying at home?
What is your new learning space
I smiled when …
I really appreciate ...
I felt great when …
I am thankful for …
I recently learned to ...
I’ve noticed lately that I’m really
good at …
My dog/cat/friend made me
happy when …
I love …
My new favourite thing is ...
It is okay to express all of your
feelings but it is helpful to limit
writing about your negative
feelings. Avoid dwelling on what
you can’t change and focus on
the good things you are

Monday, April 13, 2020

April 14-17 Learning Plan

Hello everyone! I hope you were able to enjoy your weekend and have some fun with
your family. Thank you to all of you who have sent me their work and shared their
Silent Film research. 

Social Studies: Silent Film Project
I am hoping you enjoy creating your project this week. I have extended the deadline to
Friday, April 17. Please ensure that you are proud of your work and do your best. If you
finished you might use this extra time to add more facts and edit your work. 

Language Arts: 
Tuesday: Imagine you are a film or t.v. critic. Write a reflection on a movie or t.v. episode
or series you’ve enjoyed watching. Explain in a paragraph (or 2) why you enjoyed it, who
you would recommend it to and briefly what it is about. You can include judgements on
character decisions, special effects and plot development, if you like.

Wednesday: New journaling assignment will be posted.

Extras for students who are complete their Silent Film Projects and Reading

-Choose a Book for your Reading Response #5
-Kahoot in Google Classroom 
-Reading Comprehension in Google Classroom
-Take a look at next week’s assignment in Google Classroom
(Journaling Through Covid-19)

7-1 Google Meet: Wednesday at 11am

I will send 7-1 students an email with the invitation code for our meeting. Check your school gmail. Please think of briefly telling your classmates what creative activity you are doing or a wellness activity you enjoy.
We will also have time to ask questions about assignments after our sharing. Ms. Ingram, Ms. Romanchuk and Mrs. Larsen will be joining 7-1.
I am looking forward to joining 7-2 Tuesday and 7-4 Thursday. See you then!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Google Classroom

This short video will help you learn how to use Google Classroom. You will be able to post pictures of your work and post questions. I will post assignments on my blog and on google classroom. Continue to turn in your work on Google Drive.
I've been watching YouTube videos to learn and teach myself. I have a training on Monday.

This next video tells you how you can turn in work on Google Classroom.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Silent Film Project Extension; New Due Date Friday, April 17

I would prefer extending the due date and having better quality projects. A project that you are proud of is the goal. Do your best and enjoy your creative side.

Expectations: New Due Date Friday, April 17

Option 1: A written journal entry from the point of view of view of someone living during your event. (3-5 entries, 1 entry = 1 long paragraph or 3 short paragraphs, 12 facts from your research )

Option 2: A comic that describes your event and includes main characters that contributed to your event. (Like your 7 Years' War comic, 12 facts from your research, 6-12 boxes and neatly colored)

Option 3: A video that describes your event and includes main characters that contributed to your event. Your video can include yourself and/or your family as actors, or lego/drawing/figurines that can act out your scenes. (2 minutes, 12 facts from your research must be present in your video)

Share your project in Google Drive: 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Class Meetings: April 14-17

Hello everyone,
Next week, all grade 7 classes will have a Google Meet with their teachers. I will meet with these classes from 11-12pm.

Tuesday, April 14 : 7-2
Wednesday, April 15 : 7-1
Thursday, April 16 : 7-4

It was great to see all of you and I look forward to seeing each of you next week.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Google Classroom is here!

Google Classroom is coming! I just emailed you an invitation to join my Google Classroom.
It is still under construction. I am figuring it out and watching YouTube tutorials.

It was great to see 7-1 and 7-4 on Google Meet!

Silent Film research is due today. Thank you to those students who submitted their work.

The sun is out and it looks like a great day to go outside. Take care of yourselves.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Learning Plan for April 6 - 9

Hello 7-1, 7-2 and 7-4,
Today, I will meet with 7-4! Tomorrow, I meet 7-1. I'm so excited to see you all. I think it will be fun!

Social Studies:
Check yesterday's blog for textbook links and summaries. Your research for your project is due on Wednesday. Spend Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's learning time finish your work.
Expectations: Answer all questions in complete sentences. Some questions require 2-3 sentences per answer, some questions require a paragraph of 5-8 sentences. Culture questions require you to look at pictures of what life looked like during your time period and research what inventions, technology and arts movements were occurring during your time period.

Language Arts:
Monday: Go to Drive and find you RR1. Carefully read it and when you find a grammar mistake correct it. Use a highlighter tool to highlight your corrections. At the bottom of RR1, write a list of your mistakes. Example: not capitalizing names, not fixing a spelling mistake, etc.
Email me your list of grammar mistakes and the title of the book you are reading at home. 

Don't have a book? The Calgary Public Library has a great digital library for teenagers.
Google Calgary Public Library, click on Digital Library, click on A-Z Resources.
Scroll down to TeenBookCloud.

Tuesday: Correct and highlight the grammar mistakes you made in RR2. Email me the list and write me a paragraph retell on your book. I know you aren't finished. The purpose is to check on your progress.

WednesdayCorrect and highlight the grammar mistakes you made in RR3. Proof read and correct the grammar mistakes you made on your Silent Film research. Email me the list and write me a paragraph explaining your topic's timeline in 5-10 sentences.

ThursdayCorrect and highlight the grammar mistakes you made in RR4. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Textbook Links, Summary Notes on Resource tab and Due Dates

You might find it helpful for your research to read textbook summary notes. I have highlighted the Silent Film topics so that you can quickly look for the part you need. They are in the Resource tab.

Copy and paste links to access the Voices and Visions Textbook.

* You might find it helpful for your research to read textbook summary notes. I have highlighted the Silent Film topics so that you can quickly look for the part you need. They are in the Resource tab.

Research. 7-1-SF-Name Due Wednesday, April 8.  

Project: 7-1-FilmProject-Name Due Wednesday, April 15  See the April 7 post for requirements.

Friday, April 3, 2020

7-1 Meeting Tuesday

Hello 7-1 Students,

I would like to have a whole class homeroom meeting online Tuesday, April 7 at 10:00am. Ms. Romanchuk and I will facilitate the meeting. We are going to try out Google Meet/Hangout. The purpose is to just check in on everyone. You can share something about how you have been keeping busy while in family-isolation. A fun activity others might do as well at home would be helpful. I will send an invite link to everyone by Tuesday morning and if you follow the link we should all be able to see and speak with one another. However, if the link does not come to you, you can follow the instructions below:

1. Go to close to the time of the scheduled meeting and log in using their email 
2. Copy the nickname from the invite. Weare71
3. Click on the green ‘Use a Meeting Code’ button.
4. Enter the nickname into the meeting code box and click Continue. 
5. Once you click Continue, and if I am present, you will be taken to the waiting room. 
6. The final step is to click on the green ‘Join now’ button to enter the meeting room. (If the teacher is not present in the room, the student will receive a message stating they cannot create meetings).
7. When our time is over you must leave the Meet session and close down your browser window.

Here are some protocols (rules) for having such meetings:

1. Choose a room where there will be little or no distractions. 
2. Be careful to look around at what your classmates might see and ensure all is appropriate.
3. When you enter the Meeting Room, mute your mic (this will allow us to gather before we begin talking). 
4. Open the comment tab so you can type questions and comments as we begin our conversation. 

Hope to see you all Tuesday!
Ms. Brown

A Cheerful Note from the WPS Fine Arts Team

The Fine Arts team at Willow Park School along with Studio Artist Mark Vasquez-Mackay are a vital
part of our learning community. They are an incredibly talented and caring group of individuals who 
understand how important the arts are at a time like this to nourish and sustain that creative aspect 
of our humanity. As a result, they have created a blog for all students and families as a community
 to visit and contribute to. The blog is called Fill the Well and it is a capacious handbag of artworks, 
inspirations and activities to fill your soul. We invite you to visit the site regularly. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Planning for your alternate Silent Film Project

When your research is complete, you are going to create your project in place of the Silent Film. You must remember to use facts form your research in your project.

Choose 1:

Option 1: A written journal entry from the point of view of view of someone living during your event. (3-5 entries, 1 entry = 1 long paragraph or 3 short paragraphs, 12 facts from your research )

Option 2: A comic that describes your event and includes main characters that contributed to your event. (Like your 7 Years' War comic, 12 facts from your research, 6-12 boxes and neatly colored)

Option 3: A video that describes your event and includes main characters that contributed to your event. Your video can include yourself and/or your family as actors, or lego/drawing/figurines that can act out your scenes. (2 minutes, 12 facts from your research must be present in your video)

In any of these choices, planning is the key to success. You must create a storyboard or plan before finishing your final project.

Here are some planning documents for you to use in the planning process:

Here is a checklist:
1. Complete your research. Due Wednesday, April 8.
2. Choose your project format.
3. Plan your project using one of the templates above or your own template.
4. Create your project. *12 facts from research required, more is fine too.
5. Share your project in Google Drive: 7-1-FilmProject-Name, 7-2-FilmProject-Name or 7-4FilmProject-Name    Due Wednesday, April 15 

Last Day is Thursday!!

Hello WPS families,  MyCBE-accessing-online-report-card (1).pdf  We wanted to share a couple of key dates: June 25: Last day of clas...